Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Day 38 -- Stars

I live for my Sixty-Day Challenge chart on the wall at the yoga studio. I love getting my star sticker and putting it in its little box after every class. Clearly, I was deprived as a kindergartner, because that humble piece of paper gives me an absurd sense of pride and accomplishment. The whole wall, filled with charts that sport new stars every day, is quite a sight.

Class today was with Jen, who is new to the Pasadena studio. I loved her approach to the dialog; she knew it perfectly, but it sounded like she was saying the familiar words for the first time. We're often told to approach the postures with a beginner's attitude, and Jen's fresh style made that much easier. Very enjoyable.

Superstar teacher and yogi Bernadette set up next to me in class, and she was even more of an inspiration up close and personal. I was glad for her example, because I struggled today. I noticed right away that I felt stiff and sore after a day away; I'd hoped that the extra rest would be in my favor, but it didn't seem to be.

In Camel, I experienced yet another kind of stars--the kind that are very familiar to those with low blood pressure. Green shooting stars are a sure sign that I'll pass out if I don't change something. I got into the back bend, but had to come out early both sets. But I let it go, as Jen directed. Too good is no good, as Val likes to say. Sometimes you have to ease off.

This is the most demanding exercise I've ever done--harder than Body for Life, harder than Crossfit, harder than training for a 5K. Why do I keep doing it? Because every time I leave the studio, I feel like a star, like I can do anything at all. It's all worth it for that.

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